Thursday, August 11, 2011

Multiple Intelligences and the Writing Process

We'll be exploring the writing process for the next couple of days, especially when it comes to the many different ways we all go through it.  We took a multiple intelligence survey on Thursday, and are now using our learning strengths to create an example of how we go through the writing process.

Reminder of the Basic Learning Process:
1. Prewriting - selecting and exploring a topic
2. Drafting - turn prewriting into sentences and paragraphs
3. Revising - add details, check for clear ideas
4. Editing - proofread for grammar, spelling, and punctuation
5. Publishing - create a finished project and share it

Check out this video about an elementary school in Georgia that structures education around the idea of multiple intelligences.  Let me know what you think!  Do you think this is a good idea?

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