Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Career Research Papers

Parents and Students, here is a copy of the letter I sent home to be signed by both of you.  Your research papers will be worth a majority of your English grade this nine-weeks, so it's important you keep up with the due dates, and say busy during class.

January 10, 2012

Dear Parents:

I hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday! Now that the break is over we are getting right back into the swing of school. Your child will be working on an important research project over the next several weeks. During this time, the students will be conducting research to learn more about two careers that interest them. As part of the project, the students will interview people working in their fields of interest, write reports reflecting their research, and create a presentation to share facts with the class.

This project is worth a total of 250 points; therefore, it will account for a large portion of your child’s grade for the third nine-weeks. In order that you may assist your child, the due dates and possible points are listed as follows:

Component                 Due Date                   Points Possible

Topics                 Beg of Class 1/12                       10

Interviews            Beg of Class 1/23                       50

Note Cards         End of Class 1/24                        50

Outline                 End of Class 1/24                        10

Final Report         End of Class 1/30                         100

Presentation         Beg of Class 1/31-2/1                    30

TOTAL                                                                   250

If you have any questions about any aspect of the project, please feel free to contact me at school at 225-924-1308 or email me at Thanks for your support in helping your child plan for the future.


Allison Hughes
Approved by Sherry L. Brock

My signature below indicates that I received a letter from Ms. Hughes concerning the 8th grade research project, and I am aware that this project will account for a large part of my child’s English grade for the third nine-week grading period.
__________________________ ___________________
Student’s Signature                        Date

__________________________ ___________________

Parent’s Signature                          Date

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