Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Interviews Due Monday

Students, your interviews are due Monday the 23rd.  Please contact your interviewees (one for each career you chose) ASAP!  Like I said last week, you CAN NOT wait until the last minute or you will have nothing.  It's not your interviewee's faults you haven't contacted them yet!  If you need help finding someone to interview (phone, email, or in person [with parent]), let me know, and I will help you find someone.

Remember to call your interviewee by name (Mr.___ or Ms. ___ or Dr. ____), introduce yourself (name, 8th grader at Westdale Middle), introduce your project (research paper on potential careers), and ask them if they have time to answer questions, or know someone who would have time to answer questions, about the career of ____.

Speak loudly and clearly when on the telephone, and remember to have those questions we developed in class in front of you so you won't miss anything!

Email me if you have questions:

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