Friday, May 18, 2012

Originae's Website

Hello all!  Remember to keep Originae and her family in your prayers.  If you want to post a message, do it through the website we started:

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Exam Schedule and Bittersweet Goodbyes

Please remember to study for all of your final exams!

Friday May 18th (full day of school) - 2A and 3A
Monday May 21st (11:30 dismissal) - 2B and 3B
Tuesday May 22nd (11:30 dismissal) - 4A and 5A
Wednesday May 23rd (11:30 dismissal) - 4B and 5B

It has been a pleasure teaching you all this semester.  My heart is breaking as this school year is coming to a close.  I will always remember this group of students - students who inspire me, make me laugh, and give me hope for a better world.  You all are destined for greatness!  Have fun this summer, read a lot, and impress those high school teachers just like you've impressed me! 

With all my love,
~Miss Hughes