Friday, May 18, 2012

Originae's Website

Hello all!  Remember to keep Originae and her family in your prayers.  If you want to post a message, do it through the website we started:

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Exam Schedule and Bittersweet Goodbyes

Please remember to study for all of your final exams!

Friday May 18th (full day of school) - 2A and 3A
Monday May 21st (11:30 dismissal) - 2B and 3B
Tuesday May 22nd (11:30 dismissal) - 4A and 5A
Wednesday May 23rd (11:30 dismissal) - 4B and 5B

It has been a pleasure teaching you all this semester.  My heart is breaking as this school year is coming to a close.  I will always remember this group of students - students who inspire me, make me laugh, and give me hope for a better world.  You all are destined for greatness!  Have fun this summer, read a lot, and impress those high school teachers just like you've impressed me! 

With all my love,
~Miss Hughes

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Twelfth Night

Shakespeare time!
Making an A in 9-weeks is so easy!  You get 5 points everyday for your participation in class (reading, performing, interacting with classmates and me), so that should be easy to get!  You will have a quiz after each act, and since we keep note of each scene with summaries, that should also be an easy grade.  Your final test for Twelfth Night will be a performance, and your grade will be based on the effort and enthusiasm you show while preparing - again, EASY!

Quiz Schedule:
Act 1 Quiz - April 26th
Act 2 Quiz - May 30th
Act 3 Quiz - May 2
Act 4 Quiz - May 4
Act 5 Quiz - May 7

Happy end of the year, thou fair minded angels!

Thursday, March 29, 2012


LEAP Phase II will be held on April 12th (English), 13th (Math), 16th (Science), and 17th (Social Studies).  This is only a couple of days after your return from Spring Break.

For last-minute LEAP Review, visit

You can click guest login on the left sidebar, enter your zip code, select PASS Practice Tests, and begin practicing.  Make sure you select 8th grade when you get to the practice screen.

It is also important to be well-rested and filled with healthy foods!  Don't eat all of the Easter candy in one day!

Best of luck kiddos!  I know you'll do great!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Field Testing for 7th Graders

Tomorrow, March 27th, will be Field Testing for all 7th graders.  All 8th grade students will report to their 5A classes for around 2.5 hours (or until testing is complete) and then follow a shortened schedule to visit the rest of their classes.  We will spend time in my class reviewing LEAP materials and working on your board game projects which are due Friday.  If any of you miss school, please bring board game materials to class Wednesday.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Lord of the Flies Test and Folder

Monday March 26th, you will have a test on Lord of the Flies.

Your study guide consists of 6 worksheets we have completed over the last four weeks.
These will need to be turned in to me Monday along with your survival journal.

The 6 worksheets are titled

  • Character Log
  • Figurative Language
  • Do you have what it takes? (Leadership survey)
  • Tone and Mood
  • Symbols
  • Themes

Study these worksheets, as they will help you get an A on your test.

We have cut the vocabulary down to the following 18 words:

  • Indignation                                       
  • Hiatus                                                           
  • Tumult                                              
  • Tirade                                                           
  • Inscrutable                                       
  • Tacit                                                  
  • Taboo                                                           
  • Malevolently                                     
  • Derisive                                             
  • Mutinously                                       
  • Crestfallen                                                    
  • Demure                                                        
  • Abominable                                                 
  • Assimilating                                      
  • Luminous                                         
  • Talisman                                           
  • Cynical                                           
  • Acrid  
Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor!! (Hunger Games movie out now!)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

No School March 14th

Students and Parents,
I am sorry that you have had an interruption in your schooling this week, but I hope you are aware of the reasoning behind the canceling of school.  Today, two bills are being discussed is the house that will have a direct impact on teachers, students, and the entire Louisiana community, and many educators wanted to take part in standing up for public education.  The bills involve the removal of tenure for teachers, which would allow principals to fire teachers at will; and expanding vouchers and charter schools, which would decrease the funding we receive.  I urge you to do some research and find out what is going on.  It will affect us all.  I assure you that I have your best interests at heart, and I will always put you first.  When we return to school Thursday (A-Day), we will take the Sentence Types test and work on preparing ourselves for LEAP Phase I Tuesday.

~Miss Hughes

More information about school closing and the bills being discussed:

P.S. - Students and Parents, if you have any questions or concerns, please email me at or call the school to schedule a conference.